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Landkite Video Contest : results French

The Landkite Video Contest has ended. After a 2 months competition, here's the ranking of the 10 best videos. We'd like to thank all of you for your participation. We're glad to see that you've been so many to play the game for this first edition.

We will contact every participant who earned a prize during the coming week. As a compensation, and to celebrate the end of this very first video contest, we also decided to offer consolation prizes to all the other participants.

Thanks again to all of you and see you soon for another Video Contest !


Résultats Video COnteso


1. Nicolas Parrel - Kite Peter Lynn Fury 13.0

2. Kris Beech - 200€ voucher on

3. Florian Secco - Longboard Atom Drop Through 36"

4. Alexis Huin - 100€ voucher on

5. Klaus Schonfeld - 50€ voucher sur

6. Nicolas Billand - Boardbag Muck Off Trampa

7. Abe Alzouman - Boardbag Muck Off Trampa

7 ea. Nicolas Schwaab - Boardbag Muck Off Trampa

9. Christophe Guiomar - T-Shirt MBS

10. François Thomas - T-Shirt MBS


Watch all the videos of the contest

Landkite Video Contest Logo


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