Le petit mot de Morten :
" Hi! My name is Morten Klingenberg, I'm 30 years old, and I'm an addict! I'm addicted to kiting being it both on land, water, ice or snow. Actually I'm so addicted that I run a small Danish blog on kiting called - tadaa powerkiter.dk :-)
I started out landboarding 6 years ago and have loved it ever since. My first traction kite was an Ozone Access and I have loved flying foils ever since. I have just recently switched from Peter Lynn Charger II to Flysurfer Speed 4, mostly because I ned lighter bar pressure on my kites.
I live in the northern part of Denmark and usually do all my landkiting on the west coast near Blokhus.
Every now and then I make a trip to Rømø, a small island close to the Danish/German border, now if you haven't been to Rømø you're in luck - because I'm about to show you what a great place it is! I have chosen not to make an action packed video - I'm sure I can't match the hardcore guys anyway - but instead I present a feel-good landkite video!
In the video I'm flying my trusty Flysurfer Speed 4 Lotus 15 m kite and ride my awesome Trampa Holy Pro Channel truck board.
I hope you will enjoy my video - and hopefully it will get a few views! "
La vidéo de Morten :
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